Cieszyn ul. Liburnia 45
pl cz

How to order

What do you need to prepare for us to

create a kitchen design for you?

How to place orders

  • Choose your kitchen style – retro or modern
  • Dimensions of the space in which the furniture will be fitted (e.g. room layout) including the height of the room if you plan floor-to-ceiling
  • The layout of the water, electrical and gas systems.
  • Location of the window, door and radiator, if any.


Visit our Furniture Studio, bring your provisional measurements with you – we will make a design on the spot and help you choose materials. 

Call to arrange a free measurement and design at your home. We will then come to you with a computer and sample books.

Call us! +48 508 015 833

E-mail us:


Below you will find examples of kitchen shapes

Get in touch with us
Furniture Manufacturer Góra / Furniture Showroom
Cieszyn ul. Liburnia 45
tel. kom.: +48 508 015 833

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